Before You Completely Lose Yourself

Hey BUSY MOM, If You're Reading This:

You have a vision: a life where you have it all. A fit body, a strong mindset, a great job or career, and kids who could not ask for a better mother.

Unfortunately, in these times of the Covid-19 pandemic you look at yourself in the mirror and don't recognize yourself anymore:  
  • You feel burned out and constantly overwhelmed
  • You feel drained and burdened with non-stop responsibilities: kids at home 24/7, homeschooling, trying to work from home, house chores, etc.  
  • ​You feel like you're living your life on auto-pilot, going from one fire to the next 
  • ​You feel physically and mentally exhausted all the time
  • ​You hate yourself for failing to set healthy boundaries
  • ​You don't even have a single second for yourself and are losing your sanity
  • ​You  feel like your life has been sucked at you


If this is how you feel these days, then I recommend that you

I am going to share the SECRET BLUEPRINT that took me from 
from a burnt out autism mom who lost her identity 
to the badass and UNSTOPPABLE mom that I am today.


I coach busy moms who feel exhausted

and overwhelmed on how to reach their full potential
and become 

I understand why moms feel guilty and selfish when they take time for themselves. 

Just remember something very simple: you deserve to take care of yourself! 

Self-care is non-negotiable.
As a mom you need time to recharge, restore and relax from 
the daily grind. Unfortunately, many of you have limiting beliefs preventing you from making self-care a priority.  

So here's where I come in. 

I help moms take charge of their lives by implementing 
non-negotiable daily self-care habits, routines and coping mechanisms, that if done consistently, will help you get your spark back and become UNSTOPPABLE. 


I coach moms who have nonstop responsibilities and are feeling exhausted and ovewhelmed everyday.

They just want a little time to themselves but they feel

guilty that they want to take a little time away from the kids.

They think they don’t deserve it but in reality they need it.

That’s where I come in. I help moms take control over their lives so

they can be the person and mom they’ve always wanted to be.

So why I am the most qualified person to show you the path?  

Because I've been in your shoes. 

I’ve worn many hats but the most precious role for me is being a mother to my two sons, Alex and Nico.

When Nico was two years old, he was diagnosed with autism and I knew deep in my heart that I needed to be there for him 24/7. 

So I left my promising career as a lawyer and became his full time caregiver, teacher, advocate, and therapist.

A few months earlier I had given birth to Alex; so all of a sudden I found myself not only caring for a newborn baby but also caring for my severely autistic son.

And in this whirlwind of duties and responsibilities, I LOST myself. 

Yes, and I not only lost my physical and mental health but I LOST MY IDENTITY.  

All of it !

I would often find myself crying in the middle of the day out of sheer exhaustion, guilt, and misery.

I felt lifeless. I did my duties on autopilot. And I kept breaking down out of nowhere.

When motherhood feels like you can’t take a break, that’s when things get ugly.
I just needed a little break to detach and relax from the chronic stress. 
But I felt overwhelmed and just  wanted to be the super autism mom with all the solutions. I didn’t even realize that I needed a break

Even worse, I actually believed that I didn't deserve a break.  It felt selfish to do so. 

I couldn't keep going like this.  My mind felt scattered and I felt exhausted all the time.
Things got so bad that one day in between appointments with Nico's autism specialists, I almost got into a car accident after momentarily falling asleep at the wheel. Nico was in the backseat and we could have both been killed.
Talk about a wake up call

I knew that I needed to break out from the cycle of burnout but I had no idea on how to get out of the vicious spiral. 

And that time, I didn't have a mentor or a coach who could guide me and help eliminate my limiting beliefs. 
Enter Sicas. 

One day our family was gifted a service dog for Nico.

Sicas was her name and she became my life savior. 

I first started taking Sicas out for 10 minute walks. And a few days after I started these walks, something magical happened: I started to crave these walks! 

I realized that ever since Nico had been diagnosed, I had not been on a walk by myself, or been alone by myself for that matter. 

I had not taken a single minute to relax from the chronic stress of being a full-time autism mom and caregiver. 


And for the first time in a very long time, I had this precious ''me time'' that gave me the mental space for self-reflection and allowed me to detach from the chaos.

I was so hooked by this new activity, that I decided to start jogging. 

So I bought myself some proper running shoes and became a runner.

I started jogging up and down my street, not being able to run more that 2 minutes continuously. 

But I persevered. These micro jogs turned into 5 minute runs which then turned into 1k runs, then 3k runs and so on until I was able to cross the finish line of my first 5k race in 2009.

Crossing the finish line of that first 5K race would 
change my life forever.

This was the kick in butt that I needed to take charge of my life 
and make self-care a priority. 

 I embarked on a journey to uncover the best tools that would 
give me the energy, vitality and mental strength
 to not only parent my severely autistic son Nico with grace
but also reach my full potential

I have now developed my ''secret formula'' 
of self-care, mindset optimization and 
stress reduction strategies that enable me to not 
only survive but thrive - The Unstoppable Mom System.

After years of being in a constant state of overwhelm, I experienced no more exhaustion, guilt, or overwhelm.

I mastered the self-care habits, routines, and coping mechanisms needed on a daily basis to maintain a peak physical and mental state. 

I completely transformed my life from the burned out autism mom with no identity to an author, speaker, women's empowerment and mental performance coach. I've finished 23 marathons and completed an Ironman 70.3 triathlon. Most importantly, I launched my dream business while being a caring and attentive mother to my children.


I now understand why self-care is non-negotiable.

My personal mission is 
to inspire you to make self-care your top priority.  

The Unstoppable Mom System will save you time.

The Unstoppable Mom System will save you from a lot of frustration and pain. 

I've been in your shoes and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I HAVE Realized Many Things About ThE Transformative Power Of Self-Care


Self-care is a set of habits, routines and coping mechanisms that, if done consistently, will help you become an UNSTOPPABLE MOM. 

Imagine being able to say no to stress and take the time to relax and recharge, understanding that:  
  • Self-Care is Not a Luxury 
  • ​Self-Care is Not Selfish 
  • ​Self-Care is Not a Waste of Time

If you hate getting out of bed in the morning because you’re facing endless chores and responsibilities with nothing to look forward to for yourself, how will you be able to care for your family?

If you’re drained, lifeless, and losing your sanity, what kind of parenting will your kids receive when you’re in that state of mind?

You love your children to the moon and back but you shouldn't lose yourself in the process.

When was the last time you did something for yourself?

These days, I see many moms suffering from burnout and overwhelm because they’ve been forced to stay at home and take on the quarantine trifecta
role: mother, employee, and teacher.

Maybe you feel like quarantine has turned you into a

mediocre parent and subpar employee.

If you’re reading this, you have choices. You can escape the vicious spiral. 

What Would It Mean If You Woke Up One

Morning With The Following

I can't wait to share with you The Unstoppable Mom System to HELP YOU BOOST YOUR health, optimize YOUR MINDSET and effectively manage chronic stress. 

I would have never imagined that my daily struggles as an autism mom would provide me with a unique perspective and expertise to help thousands of moms struggling during these interesting times.

My mission is to empower you to rediscover your spark and become UNSTOPPABLE via the power of 

You and your family will love yourself if you take on
this transformation NOW

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